The Willow Burn Hospice Communitea!
Releasing our collective creativitea...Celebrating our musicalitea!
Visitors from the Friday day unit came along to our session at Willow Burn today, they were “desperate” to see what was happening…apparently word is spreading about the project.
"We came because we are nosey and it has been a hoot, really fabulous"
“I am a great believer in laughter when you are poorly or down and this is both funny and moving. It’s having space to have both and what you are doing is helping that process, its helping release ideas and creativity….it’s about being who you are not the label of an illness“
"The music helps the process”
“I can see where you are going with it without it being all about the sad side of things. It’s absolutely great.”
“You can see how everyone puts their bit in and great to see the men getting involved”
“The nurse and the teabag moment was brilliant, it’s hilarious and enjoyable”
Dry Water would like to pay tribute to everyone for making today such a joy and a particular mention to the amazing care staff, Diane, Sharon and nurse Margaret, for their incredible contributions to the dramatic arts. Darlings you were wonderful!