Heritage Lottery Fund - Woman Made
“Celebrating The Cultural And Creative Role Of Women”
About The Project
Woman Made is a project to celebrate the cultural and creative role of women in Northumberland and the contribution they make to the wider community. Woman Made honours and makes more widely known the touring initiatives of the 1940’s. This innovative programme was instigated by the Council for Encouragement of Music and the Arts (CEMA), which was the forerunner of the present day Arts Council.
The project will enable woman of all ages to celebrate their creativity and contribution to their communities with a series of participatory workshops and social events open to all. The project will tell the often hidden or overlooked social, cultural and political stories of women in our region and provide exciting training and volunteering opportunities.
The project has a particular significance as 6th Feb 2018 marked the centenary of the beginning of universal women’s suffrage and the North East was a particularly active and dynamic region.
“How would you like to celebrate the often hidden or unacknowledged contribution women play in our communities?”
Frances Anderson, Dry Water Arts co-founder, commented:
"This project has a particular interest for me as in 1941 my great aunt, Helen Frances Anderson, was employed by CEMA as a ‘Music Traveller’ in the North East. The Music Travellers were mostly women and were involved in spreading art and music to various regions of Britain to raise civilian morale during World War Two.
My aunt retained a deep affection for the North East and she has left some wonderful accounts of touring around the North East in her Morris Minor with, amongst others, Kathleen Ferrier. She was committed to the sharing and enjoying of the arts within the community and understood the importance of bringing people together.
I am clearly following in her footsteps with my work with Dry Water Arts and share her passion for the importance of community and celebration. We are thrilled to have received support from The Heritage Lottery Fund, and are looking forward to discovering, sharing and celebrating women’s creativity through the Woman Made Project"
How To Get Involved
In addition to the events below, we will be running a series of talks by local woman - get to know more about the amazing women living in our community. Details will be posted soon on the website.
To find out more and to get involved - call into the Centre, phone us on 07542 141411 or email at info@drywaterarts.uk
Upcoming Events
(click on the image for more info)