2 Books of the same size
BBQ skewer or stick
Print out goose template
Draw your goose onto card
Cut out geese parts and transfer the blackmark on goose body to card cut out
Decorate your goose on both sides
Line up goose wings with the body
Pierce 2 holes through wings and the body about 3mm down from the edge at each corner of the wing
Lay out the goose flat and line up one wing on top of the body and the other next to the body with approximately 3mm gap
Thread a needle and stitch from top down through hole in wing and body and then down through the corresponding hole in loose wing. Then stitch up through the hole in the loose wing and then lift body and wing slightly so you can stitch up through the body and other wing.
Place books on top of the wings to hold still and tie the 2 ends together keeping the 3mm gap between the wings
Stand the books on their ends and balance the goose between them- move the books together until the goose doesn’t fall. Use the edge of the book as your guide and mark the balance point on one wing 1cm in from each side.
Line up the wings and make holes through both wings at the marker points.
Take a pieces of thread and thread one through the holes on one wing and then tie together making a loop
Repeat on other wing with thread the same length.
Thread each loop onto the bamboo and position apart to that the goose is balanced and wings flap.
Secure positions with Sellotape
Hang your bird or birds up at the window
Send us photos of your windows to be included in our online Goose Gallery!